
Which technologies will enable a cleaner steel industry?
Technologies like hydrogen-based direct reduction of ore, electrolysis, and advanced furnace technologies could reduce steel emissions.
Six innovative ways to float skyscraper-sized wind turbines
While most offshore wind farms are firmly rooted in the seabed, engineers are developing new ways to float enormous wind turbines.
Shining a light on oil fields to make them more sustainable
Sensors and analytics give oil well operators real-time alerts when things go wrong, so they can respond before they become disasters.
Microsoft AI discovers 18 new battery materials in two weeks
Zapping plants in “eSoil” makes them grow 50% larger
This startup wants to track soil carbon with AI and satellites
Microsoft is training an AI to help get nuclear reactors approved
This global prize competition is launching small moonshots to save the planet
Toshiba unveils new fast-charging, cobalt-free battery
How TerraPower is leading the nuclear renaissance
How these wooden blocks could stop climate change
Engineers develop an efficient process to make fuel from carbon dioxide
BlackRock invests $550M in world’s largest direct air capture plant